We’ve been in the nursery business for over 30 years.
Jardinería Sils is a nursery specialising in producing ornamental plants, especially specimen trees, avenue trees, shrubs, conifers, palms and fruit trees in pots.
We grow a wide variety of potted plants, trees, shrubs and palms which means we can use them all year round and the plants are well rooted. We are a large dealer for a number of gardening brands supplying a wide variety of trees, shrubs and palms and have numerous facilities for transport and delivery to where they are needed.
We operate throughout Europe (France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Romania, Italy, etc.), Asia (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, etc.) and Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, etc.) as 70% of our production is exported to extremely discerning customers.
Our values and green fingers are what enable us to grow outstanding plants.
Here at Jardinería Sils we believe in personalised service and we are constantly improving to better meet our customers’ needs.
Product quality is the most important thing for us and so we have licences to deliver worldwide.
Our ISO environmental management certificate means our customers come back and help us grow.

Catàleg 2019/2020
Welcome! Once again with the advent of the season we are pleased to bring you our new catalogue and would like to thank you for choosing us every year. This trust, superb growing soil, a favourable climate and hard work have made it possible for us to extend our product range once more and thus be able to deliver more extensive and enhanced service to our customers.
Jardinería Sils harvests a wide array of varieties of ornamental plants (more than 250) in a range of sizes from the smallest to the largest. We specialise in producing potted avenue trees and large plants also in pots to make planting and transporting them easier:
- Evergreen: Quercus, Magnolia, Photinea, Cupresus, Ligustrum, Laurus. Buxus, Nandina, Pinus, Olea, Olea bonsai macro, Ligustrum, Laurus, Nerium, …
- Trees: Arcer, Albicia, Acàcia, Celtis, Cercis, Melia, Morus, Prunus, Pyrus, Tamarix, Platanus, Populus, Sophora, Fraxinus, Liquidambar, Robinia, Gleditzia, Salix, Tilia …
- Shrubs: Abelia, Buxus, Cupresus, Cupresociparis, Juniperus, Ligustrum, Escalonia, Pitosporum, Thuya, Berberis, Cotoneaster, Nandina, Photinea, Phornium, Rhyncospermun, Viburnum, …

Services and certifications
Our cultivation systems and highly qualified team ensure we can deliver plants all year round no matter the season. Our team is made up of over 80 people including engineers for crop monitoring and we produce our plants using the latest environmentally-friendly growing techniques.
In addition to offering a variety of specimen plants, we also have certifications and licences which endorse our service:
- Authorised to issue EU plant passports with number ES-09-170022
- Authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for in-nursery review with number GE/01
- ISO 9001 quality and 14001 environmental management certifications
- Traceability
- Member of the Girona Nurseries Association
- Member of the Spanish Arboriculture Association