Quality and Environtment policy

CENTRE DE JARDINERIA SILS SA is a company founded in 1.988, located in Sils (Girona), and dedicated to the production, marketing and purchase and sale of plants (shrubs, palm trees,
conifers, fruit trees, olive trees, forest trees, Mediterranean plants, specimens,…).

A magnificent farmland, a favorable climate, and the passion for work have made it possible for us to expand our range of products and thus be able to offer a wider and better service to our
customers. Our growing systems and a highly qualified team allow us to obtain plants at any time of the year with full guarantee.

Our main objective is the continuous improvement in the quality of the services provided and respect for the environment, closely linked to our activity.

The desire to continue being a benchmark company in the sector, to progress technologically and humanly, and to adapt to new market situations has driven us to adopt a management model,
certified according to the UNE-EN- ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2015 standards, which takes as its foundations the following most relevant principles:

The quality of our work and services are a right of the client, so we must progress in the knowledge of their needs and expectations in order to satisfy them.

Notify the client, sufficiently in advance, of any incidents that may occur in the provision of the service, thus minimising any damages that may arise.

Process management that allows us to continuously improve the efficiency of the work system, be competitive and maintain the economic viability of the company.

Continue with the training of our employees so that they have the appropriate and updated knowledge that allows them to integrate quality, environmental protection and occupational health
in their daily tasks.

The constant improvement and technological innovation of our facilities and machinery.

Respect and protection for the environment, trying whenever possible to optimize the consumption of materials and energy, prevent pollution, reduce consumption of raw materials and
minimize waste generation.

Compliance with current legislation, both in relation to the sector itself and also in environmental matters and risk prevention.

That is why we will establish an annual program of quality and environmental objectives that allow us to continue with these guidelines.

Sils, January 10, 2.019.

Jordi Massaneda – Manager